C3 inspires spiritual, intellectual, and creative exploration and action, led by the questions, “what are the biggest challenges we face on our shared journey, and how do we respond to those challenges?”
Marlin Vis, Executive Director of Still Processing: An Experiment in Community, joins us on Sunday to ask What Have I Seen That I Can’t Unsee? Marlin lives and works in Holland.
Nashville-based Musician Sam Robbins joins us for the first time, as he tours and performs at a few Michigan locations.
We look forward to a meditation from Wayne Johnson.
If you’d like to prepare for Sunday’s teaching, Marlin Vis recommended these two podcasts:
- Malcolm Gladwell on Churchill
- The End of Certainty, a Pete Enns interview

Sunday Gathering
Come for Pre-Talk at 9 a.m. to get a jump on the rest of the group; join us at Central Park Place in Grand Haven for the Gathering at 10 a.m., which is live-streamed on C3’s Facebook page. Snack and socialize during Small Bites, then respond to the teaching at Talk Back from 11:15 to noon. C3 Kids meet in the C3 Kids’ area of the Mackinaw Room from 10 a.m. to noon.

Your Feedback, Please
We’d love your feedback on our guest teachers—as well as the musician(s) and the overall Gathering experience. Use this online form to share your feedback. There will also be forms located at the back of the Gathering room, and boxes in which you can put your feedback. You can be anonymous or sign your name. Thanks for your help!

Noah Project is March’s Week 3@C3 Recipient
Noah Project (231-865-1264) is a non-profit, no-kill animal shelter at 5205 Airline Highway, Muskegon, MI 49444. They are excited that we chose them as recipients, so let’s show them what we can do! They request the following items:
- Purina One +Plus Healthy Kitten Formula dry food
- Purina Pro Plan for dogs
- nylon dog bones
- cat scratch pads
- cat toys, dog toys
- cat litter
- dishwasher soap
- laundry detergent
- dryer sheets
- bleach and cleaning products
- paper towels
Printable list here.
Items can be brought to the Week 3@C3 table this Sunday or March 17.

Caring for the members of our C3 Community is a shared communal responsibility, rather than a role reserved for a pastor, priest, or leader. Our C3 Community Care Team encourages members to support each other at time of need with notes, cards, phone calls, visits, meals, and transportation. C3 members are urged to contact the Community Care Team to inform them of life events, illness, or hardships, which can be shared with the C3 Community. To report a need or request help, or to help visit members in hospital, rehab or recovering at home, contact Cheryl Van Abbema: email or Mike and Charlotte Rozich: email.
Cindy Anderson’s sister Pam Fitzgerald died on February 26 in Phoenix, after spending time in hospice care, and having suffered a recent stroke. There will be a service in April. Cards may be sent to Cindy at 15016 Stickney Ridge Road, Grand Haven, MI 49417.
Don Anderson is recovering from back surgery. Get well wishes can be sent to him at 15016 Stickney Ridge Road, Grand Haven, MI 49417.
Good news! Jean Regester is back at home and hopes to join us at the Gathering on Sunday!
Jane Richardson continues to recover at home from gall bladder surgery. Cards can be sent to her at 300 1st Avenue, Fruitport, MI 49415.

🆕 Earth Day Lakeshore Celebration
Get ready to participate in this year’s Earth Day celebration on Saturday, April 20, from 12:30 to 4 p.m. at Central Park Place. C3 will once again sponsor a kids’ activity, and we will have an information table to highlight C3’s value of Environmental Sustainability. The following Saturday, April 27, C3 takes to the highway as we clean up our stretch of US-31 for the Adopt-A-Highway program. Mark your calendar for these two dates now!

Visit and Request from an Old Friend
A few years ago, a visitor named Felipe attended C3 with member Keith Laidler, who has since died. Felipe has lived in the US for about 30 years, mostly in the Holland area. As a group, C3 opened their hearts and wallets and helped him get the son of his wife released from immigration detention near the Mexican border.
Last Sunday. Nancy Owens updated us on this family’s situation, and Felipe was in attendance. Perhaps C3 can once again help this brave family feel more secure as they go about their lives in the USA and feel that all are welcome in Ottawa County! Donations will be accepted for the next few weeks, as Felipe works with an attorney to resolve one final issue. If you want to help out with a donation, please make the check out directly to Felipe Lopez. He plans to attend this Sunday, and any donations will be given directly to him.

🆕 Sunday Dinner Group
Join the group at Ted’s in Spring Lake this Sunday at 5:30 p.m. The sign-up sheet will be at the Membership table.
C3 Men’s Group
The C3 Men’s Group meets each Tuesday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Room B, in Grand Haven. Contact Phil Koster for more information.
C3 Book Club and Friends
Discussion of Bee Season: A Novel by Myla Goldberg takes place on Tuesday, March 19, 6 p.m. at The Bookman.
April 16: The Last Green Valley by Mark Sullivan
Women’s Journey
We will meet again on Monday, March 25, 6:30 p.m. at The Bookman to discuss poetry. Bring a favorite or original one-page poem and please keep thinking about the content for upcoming meetings, so we can plan ahead!

Use your IRA and/or Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) to support C3
Would you like to save money on your taxes and support C3 at the same time? You can use money in your IRA to contribute directly to a charitable organization like C3, without it being considered a taxable distribution. The same applies if you are required to take an RMD. Be certain to consult with your tax advisor or financial representative as it is important to understand the process and follow the appropriate guidelines.
Your ongoing support of C3 is greatly appreciated. Online donations can be made here. Automatic donations can be set up by contacting Carol Takas at Selby Accounting. Checks should be sent to C3 Spiritual Community, P. O. Box 371, Grand Haven, MI 49417. C3 is a 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organization. Our tax ID is 38-1960212.

🆕 Tonight is Free Dinner and Movie Night
The Momentum Center (401 N. 7th Street, GH) hosts a free dinner—pizza donated by Domino’s Grand Haven tonight—at 5 p.m. The movie starts at 6 p.m. Million Miles Away is the true life story of a boy from a migrant farm-worker family who watches the 1969 moon landing, which ignites his desire to be an astronaut.

🆕 Change Makers: LGBTQ+ Political Activism in Local and Statewide Government, and Advocacy
Want to learn more about LGBTQ+ political activism? Desire to make difference on local and statewide policies? Join us for an informative night with Equality Michigan ’s Executive Director, Erin Knott. The event is sponsored by Grand Haven Pride and takes place on Thursday, March 14, 6 to 7 p.m. in Room B at Loutit District Library.
Frances Luke Accord—Candlelight Concert
On Saturday, March 23, The Bookman hosts a one-time experience featuring national touring musical artists, Frances Luke Accord (who played at C3 in 2019). This crowd-sourced event, organized by David Dean, and supported by many C3 members’ donations, will be open to the public (first-come, first-served, no advance ticket sales) with any additional donations going to the artists. Frances Luke Accord, who NPR has defined as “the definition of lean-in music,” will bring their delicate contemporary folk-musical storytelling to this candlelight concert hosted in one of Grand Haven’s historical artistic venues, The Bookman, which is celebrating 50 years of bringing all varieties of art and culture to the Tri-Cities. Doors open at 7 p.m. Please arrive before 8 p.m. so the event can begin when darkness falls and candles glow. This will be a listening-room type experience.

🆕 Friday Matinee at Loutit Library – Women’s History Month
Stop in for a free matinee showing at 2 p.m.! Feel free to bring snacks and drinks to enjoy during the film. More information and registration (encouraged but not required) at Loutit District Library website. March 8: Queen of Katwe; March 15: Suffragette; March 21: Belle; March 28: The Marvels
Information about Ottawa County Leadership
If you are concerned about the current quality of leadership in Ottawa County, here are some groups you can learn from and get involved with:
• Organize District 9, a non-partisan group, has recently formed for residents of District 9 of Ottawa County. For more information, send an email to be added to the mailing list, or contact Julia Davey or Mark Smith, who are both on the steering committee.
• ONTRAC is a community-driven organization that aims to ensure responsible and ethical governance in Ottawa County, particularly in the North Ottawa Tri-Cities area. It focuses residents in District 10.
• Organize Ottawa–-this is where the action is right now if you want to get involved. Groups are organizing in each district to elect responsible leadership to the County Commission in the next election. You can find it on Facebook or send an email to to get involved.

Sunday, March 10 ⏰ Daylight Saving Time starts—clocks forward one hour!
All events held in the Mackinaw Ballroom in Central Park Place (421 Columbus Ave., GH)
9 a.m. Pre-Talk & Awakenings
10 a.m. C3 Kids with Miss Mary and volunteer Patti Baldus
10 a.m. Gathering, In Person + Livestream on Facebook
• Guest Teacher: Marlin Vis
• Musician: Sam Robbins
• Meditation: Wayne Johnson
11 a.m. Talk Back
Tuesday, March 12
7 p.m. C3 Men’s Group (Room B, St. John’s Episcopal Church, GH)
Sunday, March 17
All events held in the Mackinaw Ballroom in Central Park Place (421 Columbus Ave., GH)
9 a.m. Pre-Talk & Awakenings
10 a.m. C3 Kids with Miss Mary and volunteer Eleanor Hills
10 a.m. Gathering, In Person + Livestream on Facebook
• Guest Teacher: Ginny Mikita
• Musician: Jen Sygit
• Meditation: Wayne Johnson
11 a.m. Talk Back

Rev. Ginny Mikita Ginny (she/her) is a certified Animal-Friendly Attorney and ordained interfaith minister/animal chaplain. She is the founder of Animal Blessings, a nonprofit dedicated to honoring the sacred worth and spirituality of all animals – animals with whom we share our lives, captive animals exploited by humans for food, clothing and entertainment, and wild animals who are hunted or at risk of extinction. Ginny writes a monthly column for Cats and Dogs Magazine, officiates blessings and memorial services for animal companions throughout the year, and facilitates two monthly animal companion loss grief support groups.
Jen Sygit is a Lansing-based award-winning songwriter who wields a rare and powerful talent, equally comfortable performing ethereal folk tunes, crooning sultry swing numbers, or soulfully belting gritty alt-county ballads. An accomplished multi-instrumentalist who isn’t afraid to test boundaries and cross genres, Jen’s eclectic musical style draws the listener in and holds them captivated. Her lyrics reveal an oft-overlooked beauty to life’s mundane struggles.

Drop Us Some Stars
We would really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to share your experience at C3 by reviewing us on Google. Thank you!

Google requires reviewers to have a Google account. If you don’t have one you can set one up with your current email address, follow instructions here.
C3 Membership Directory (login required)
Teaching Podcast “The Stage at C3” Feeds: Apple Podcasts YouTube Music
🆕 Last Week’s Update and Bulletin

frontdesk [at] c3westmichigan [dot] org
C3 Spiritual Community Office
1447 Washington Ave., Grand Haven, MI 49417
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 371, Grand Haven, MI 49417
616-842-1985 (number can receive text messages)
Becky Park, Office Manager
Office Hours: Mondays and Tuesdays from 12 noon – 2:30 p.m., or by appointment.
Shannon McMaster, Executive Director
smcmaster [at] c3westmichigan [dot] org
Automatic donations are handled by Carol Takas, 616-613-3222, at Selby Accounting.
Please direct any questions to Andy Cawthon.
C3 Board of Trustees
Chair: Teresa Colbry
Vice-Chair: Tod Wyn
Secretary: Beth Buelow
Treasurer: Andy Cawthon
Newsletter Submissions and Editor: Chrysteen Moelter-Gray
Newsletter Designer: Annie Wassmann
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