C3 inspires spiritual, intellectual, and creative exploration and action, led by the questions, “what are the biggest challenges we face on our shared journey, and how do we respond to those challenges?”
Michael DeWilde, one of our Core Teachers, teams up with Dr. John Mulder to discuss the question Is There an Art to Dying? The readings indicate some lighter glimpses into the serious subject. Dr. Mulder has extensive experience in hospice and palliative care.
We look forward to music by Jess Willyard and Caitlin Eyestone, who are friends of Michael and will be with us at his invitation. Mary Ackerson will share a meditation.

Sunday Gathering
Come for Pre-Talk at 9 a.m. to get a jump on the rest of the group; join us at Central Park Place in Grand Haven for the Gathering at 10 a.m., which is live-streamed on C3’s Facebook page. Snack and socialize during Small Bites, then respond to the teaching at Talk Back from 11:15 to noon. C3 Kids meet in the C3 Kids’ area of the Mackinaw Room from 10 a.m. to noon.

Please make plans to stay after the Gathering on Sunday for a special Talk Back Takeover. Executive Director Shannon McMaster will lead us through a visioning exercise to kick off our community Strategic Planning process, as we look forward to what the C3 Gathering will look like in the summer of 2026. If you cannot stay, Shannon will send an email with the survey questions for you to answer.

🆕 Springtime Dine with Nine
Keep an eye out for an email from your host about your upcoming Dine with Nine experience on Saturday, May 11.
Your Feedback, Please
We’d love your feedback on our guest teachers—as well as the musician(s) and the overall Gathering experience. Use this online form to share your feedback. There will also be forms located at the back of the Gathering room, and boxes in which you can put your feedback. You can be anonymous or sign your name. Thanks for your help!

Adopt-A-Highway pick up is tomorrow, Saturday, April 27
Despite the forecasted rain, we are still hoping to clean up the highway on Saturday, especially since Sunday’s forecast also calls for rain! If you have signed up to volunteer, check your email for final instructions and map. The information is also on C3’s website. Meet in the CPP parking lot at 10 a.m.

Our Partnership with The People Center
As part of our C3 Outreach, we contribute to a few organizations in the area, including The People Center in Spring Lake. A note from them is attached. Our People Center representative Patti Baldus reports that C3 member Bob Wassink has volunteered to be in charge of the garden in front of The People Center this year (established and tended for years by Pam and Jean)! He will surely welcome any volunteer help from the rest of us, so clients can be offered fresh produce when they come for food. Also, donations from Spring Lake residents to the biggest food drive of the year, the Postal Workers’ Food Drive on May 11, will benefit the People Center! (Donations from Grand Haven and GH Township will benefit Love in Action and The Salvation Army).
Parks Clean-Up in Spring Lake
Here’s another chance to put our value of caring for the Earth into action! Outreach Team member Charlotte Rozich has organized a parks clean-up on Saturday, May 11, at 10 a.m. to clean up Tanglefoot and Millpoint Parks in Spring Lake. Many hands make light work, so help out, if you can! Sign up Sunday at the Outreach Table.

Vigil for Peace and Justice
Reactions from passers-by have been positive! Join the Vigil for Peace and Justice on Saturday from noon to 1 p.m. along Washington Avenue at Central Park in Grand Haven.

🆕 Thank you from Grand Haven’s American Legion!
The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Legion messaged a special thank you for the “wonderful donation” to their care package project! Thank you, everyone who contributed to April’s Week 3@C3 project.
🆕 Week 3@C3—May 2024: Goal Forty!
The Friends of Muskegon Heights Public Library, an organization which includes several C3 members, will present a “Summer Reading Series” for children of Muskegon County, a five-session program in July that features story sharing, math concepts, writing skills, and reading readiness activities in preparation for school in the fall. We have been invited to participate by providing 40 backpacks, each containing a pencil holder (case) and a set of washable felt-tipped markers, which will be handed out at the end of the program with the intention that the children will use them for school in the fall. A suggestion is that each C3 family, family group or individual presents one set: elementary-school backpack, pencil holder and markers. Backpacks should be fairly substantial (not toys), as they are intended for school use. Note: This does not replace our August “Back to School” supply collecting for Muskegon Heights Public School Academy system.

Donate Your US-Manufactured Eclipse Glasses
Sunday is the last day Patti Baldus is collecting US-manufactured eclipse glasses to send to Eclipse Glasses USA, which distributes them to kids around the world so they can watch the next eclipse. If you have some to pass along, bring them Sunday and put them in the basket on the table in back near Chuck.

Caring for the members of our C3 Community is a shared communal responsibility, rather than a role reserved for a pastor, priest, or leader. Our C3 Community Care Team encourages members to support each other at time of need with notes, cards, phone calls, visits, meals, and transportation. C3 members are urged to contact the Community Care Team to inform them of life events, illness, or hardships, which can be shared with the C3 Community. To report a need or request help, or to help visit members in hospital, rehab or recovering at home, contact Cheryl Van Abbema: email or Mike and Charlotte Rozich: email.

Sunday Dinner Group
We’ll gather at The Kirby on Sunday at 5:30 p.m. to enjoy each other’s company and some good food. Sign up at the Membership table before leaving the Gathering.
C3 Men’s Group
The C3 Men’s Group meets each Tuesday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Room B, in Grand Haven. Contact Phil Koster for more information.
C3 Book Club and Friends
Book Club meets next at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, at The Bookman, to discuss Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver.
🆕 June 18: Sisters Under the Rising Sun by Heather Morris.
🆕 Women’s Journey
In May, we meet on Monday, May 20 at 6:30 p.m. at The Bookman. Joyce Cawthon will lead an activity with intentional words. Choose a word that inspires you.

Donations of Stocks, Bonds or Mutual Funds
Did you know that we are now able to accept donations of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds? When you donate stock to charity, you’ll generally take a tax deduction for the full fair market value. Because you are donating stock, your contribution and tax deduction may instantly increase over 20% or more, depending on your tax situation and any gains in the value of the stock. If this sounds like an option for you, please talk to your financial services representative, and if you have any questions re: process, please contact Andy Cawthon, Treasurer.
Your ongoing support of C3 is greatly appreciated. Online donations can be made here. Automatic donations can be set up by contacting Carol Takas at Selby Accounting. Checks should be sent to C3 Spiritual Community, P. O. Box 371, Grand Haven, MI 49417. C3 is a 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organization. Our tax ID is 38-1960212.

Community Events for Your Consideration
Click on the links for more information.
- April 27: Art for the Parks A pop-up sale to benefit Ottawa County Parks Foundation
- May 2: Town Hall Meeting: You Have New Voting Rights! sponsored by Organize District 9 and ONTRAC
- May 9: QPR Training Training in Suicide Prevention
- May 18: Momentum Center’s Prom with a Purpose. Consider a sponsorship, get your tickets!

Deepening Our Spiritual Connection – Shamanic Sundays 2024
A series of four workshops to build understanding of the indigenous spiritual path, hosted by Ruth Zwald, will take place on May 5, June 2, July 14, and August 18. Click here for more information.

Saturday, April 27
10 a.m. Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup (meet at CPP parking lot)
12 p.m. Vigil for Peace and Justice (Central Park, GH)
Sunday, April 28
9 a.m. Pre-Talk & Awakenings
10 a.m. C3 Kids with Miss Mary and volunteer Charity McMaster
10 a.m. Gathering, In Person + Livestream on Facebook
• Core Teacher Michael DeWilde with Guest Speaker Dr. John Mulder
• Music: Jess Willyard & Caitlin Eyestone
• Meditation: Mary Ackerson
11 a.m. Talk Back Takeover
Tuesday, April 30
7 p.m. C3 Men’s Group (Room B, St. John’s Episcopal Church, GH)
Saturday, May 4
12 p.m. Vigil for Peace and Justice (Central Park, GH)
Sunday, May 5
9 a.m. Pre-Talk & Awakenings
10 a.m. C3 Kids with Miss Mary and volunteer Char Kole
10 a.m. Gathering, In Person + Livestream on Facebook
• Guest Teacher: Tony Jones
• Music: Jen Sygit
• Meditation: Beth Buelow
11 a.m. Talk Back

Tony Jones, M.Div., Ph.D., author of The God of Wild Places: Rediscovering the Divine in the Untamed Outdoors, is an outdoorsman, theologian, professor, former pastor, and award-winning writer. He hosts the Reverend Hunter Podcast, teaches writing classes, mentors novice hunters, and guides canoe trips in the Boundary Waters. Tony is married, has three children and two dogs, and lives in Edina, Minnesota.
Note: Tony talks with Kent Dobson on Kent’s April 10 Hints and Guesses podcast, Episode 106.
Jen Sygit is a Lansing-based award-winning songwriter who wields a rare and powerful talent, equally comfortable performing ethereal folk tunes, crooning sultry swing numbers, or soulfully belting gritty alt-county ballads. An accomplished multi-instrumentalist who isn’t afraid to test boundaries and cross genres, Jen’s eclectic musical style draws the listener in and holds them captivated. Her lyrics reveal an oft-overlooked beauty to life’s mundane struggles.

Drop Us Some Stars
We would really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to share your experience at C3 by reviewing us on Google. Thank you!

Google requires reviewers to have a Google account. If you don’t have one you can set one up with your current email address, follow instructions here.
C3 Membership Directory (login required)
C3 Website>Values (printable list here)
Teaching Podcast “The Stage at C3” Feeds: Apple Podcasts YouTube Music
🆕 Last Week’s Update and Bulletin

frontdesk [at] c3westmichigan [dot] org
C3 Spiritual Community Office
1447 Washington Ave., Grand Haven, MI 49417
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 371, Grand Haven, MI 49417
616-842-1985 (number can receive text messages)
Becky Park, Office Manager
Office Hours: Mondays and Tuesdays from 12 noon – 2:30 p.m., or by appointment.
Shannon McMaster, Executive Director
smcmaster [at] c3westmichigan [dot] org
Automatic donations are handled by Carol Takas, 616-613-3222, at Selby Accounting.
Please direct any questions to Andy Cawthon.
C3 Board of Trustees
Chair: Teresa Colbry
Vice-Chair: Tod Wyn
Secretary: Beth Buelow
Treasurer: Andy Cawthon
Newsletter Submissions and Editor: Chrysteen Moelter-Gray
Newsletter Designer: Annie Wassmann
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