This week at C3

The series Who Am I? moves on to Talk Three: The Ego, by Lead Teacher Brad Ruggles.

This week we’re peeling back another layer in our “Who Am I?” Series as we dive into the nature of the ego—the sense of “I” or “me” that we carry through life. The ego plays a crucial role in helping us navigate the world, define our identity, and relate to others. But it’s not the full picture of who we truly are.

The ego isn’t inherently good or bad, but when we let it take control, it can turn into a bit of a drama queen. It loves to compare, defend, and latch onto roles and labels. This week we’ll explore the ego’s function and its shadow side—our attachment to roles, labels, and external validation. We’ll talk about how the ego thrives on creating separation and how, by integrating it into the larger whole, we can let it serve us without it turning into an overbearing director in the story of our lives.

Longtime friend and frequent musician Jen Sygit visits this week. The meditation will be shared by Bob Kleinheksel.

📍 Location: Central Park Place, Mackinaw Ballroom, 421 Columbus Ave, Grand Haven)

⏰  Pre-Talk: 9 a.m. | Main Gathering: 10 a.m. | C3 Kids: 10 a.m.–Noon

💬  Talk Back: After the Gathering until Noon

📺  Livestream on our Facebook page 

🆕 Brad’s Email Notes about last Sunday’s Teaching  

🆕 Last Week’s Teaching and Meditation

    C3 News

    🆕  Dine with Nine! 🍽️

    Those who signed up for Dine with Nine on February 8 will be contacted by their host soon to ask what you would like to contribute to the meal. The event coordinators are Joyce Cawthon, Kathy Smith, and Mary Ackerson. Have questions? Contact Joyce🗓️

    Do It Now

    If you haven’t done so already, please click here and complete Our Quick C3 Survey, which seeks your input about our weekly Gathering, designed to learn what’s working and what could use a little tweaking. Thanks!

    News from the Board of Trustees

      • C3 will join the Grand Haven Chamber of Commerce
      • The Board elected the following trustees to the Executive Committee: Teresa Colbry, Chair; Tod Wyn, Secretary; Andy Cawthon, TreasurerVice Chair (tabled for now)
      • The Board will now hold their monthly meeting on the 4th Wednesday of every month. The next meeting will be Wednesday, February 26.

    Mindful Living Update

    Many of us are familiar with the concept of mindfulness and what it means to be mindful, but how do we make it intentional? Come, explore, and share this contemplative practice every third Wednesday of the month, starting March 19, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Loutit District Library, Program Room A. Chairs will be provided, but feel free to bring a cushion. Have questions? See or email Kerry FitzGerald.

    Help Wanted

    C3 is looking for a second person to help with set up and tear down every Sunday. This position is an independent contractor position, and pays $60/week. See Shannon McMaster for more details, or email him.

      Honor and Memorial Giving

        • A donation was made in memory of our sweet friend, Connie Farell, by Don and Cindy Anderson.
        • A donation was made in honor of all the Active Members who keep C3 going, by Deb Sikanas and Russell Radford.

      Charter for Compassion

      Week 3@C3 in February
      The Food Pantry at The People Center will receive our donations in February. Director Karen Reenders notes the pantry has been very busy, seeing an increase in need, which she expects to continue through the winter. Needed items: cereal (both hot and cold), peanut butter, jelly, pancake mix and syrup, pasta sauce and spaghetti noodles, canned fruits (peaches, pears, pineapple, fruit cocktail), applesauce, Hamburger Helper, ramen noodles, box potatoes, tuna.  These items can be brought to the Gathering and placed on the Week 3@C3 table on February 2, 9, and 16.


        • Sunday Night Supper relocates to Dr. Rolf’s Barbecue (971 W. Savidge St.) in Spring Lake, 5:30 p.m. this Sunday. Please sign up at the Welcome Table if you intend to come.
        • Women’s Journey will meet on Monday, January 27, at 6:30 p.m. at The Bookman. Karen Laird DeSmet will host; refreshments will be supplied by Joyce and Beth. 🆕 Check Karen’s post on the Women’s Journey Facebook page to prepare for the evening’s activity, What would you take and why? An evening of show and tell.
        • C3 Men’s Group meets on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Choir Room at St. John’s Episcopal Church. Call Phil Koster with questions.
        • 🆕  C3 Book Club and Friends January’s meeting was canceled due to extreme weather. We meet next on Tuesday, February 18, 6 p.m. to discuss North Woods by Daniel Mason. Location to be determined.

      Care and Concern

      Caring for our C3 community is a shared responsibility. Community Care encourages members to support one another with notes, calls, visits, meals, and transportation.To share life events, illnesses, or hardships—or to request help—contact Cheryl Van Abbema by email or phone.

        • Lana Brock will be having tricuspid valve surgery at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit on February 6. Cards of care, concern, and encouragement may be sent to Lana.


      Humanity for Prisoners Newsletter

      Click here to read the January issue of the HFP Communicator.

      Momentum Center Newsletter

      Click here to read the January issue of Just News.

      Values in Action

      🆕  Art Exhibit in the Lobby at Central Park Place

      The paintings on display in the lobby at Central Park Place are the work of C3 member Karen Klemp. This is the last Sunday for the exhibit, so take a few minutes to enjoy and appreciate Karen’s work.

      🆕  Secchia Breakfast Lecture: Ethical AI in Business: Challenges, Choices, and Consequences

      Join us Tuesday, February 18, for an insightful discussion on Ethical AI in Business. Keith Brophy, CEO of Mentavi, and Michael DeWilde, Professor of Management and Director of the Koeze Business Ethics Initiative, will explore the complexities and ethical considerations surrounding AI in the business world. Additional panelists will be announced soon. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage with a timely topic that’s shaping the future of business. Click here for details.

      Music Events with C3 Connections

        • January 25: 1 to 5 p.m. Tunes, Tales and Treats Concert, St. John’s Episcopal Church. Enjoy a 60’s-style coffeehouse event featuring music, poetry, and performances that include some C3 members! Free admission with coffee and cider provided. Drop in anytime!

      Community Events for Your Consideration 

      Click on the links for more information.

        • Tuesday, January 28, 6 to 8 p.m., Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events, Ottawa County Fillmore Complex
        • Thursday, January 30, 6 to 8:30 p.m. Town Hall Meeting on Mental Health and Politics, Momentum Center. This excerpt is from an article in Grand Haven Tribune from Friday, January 10—Momentum Center: Town hall to focus on mental health and politicsThe fact that the extreme scope of sentiments and responses that erupted from 2024’s political climate and may continue into 2025 is the catalyst for Grand Haven Momentum Center’s upcoming “Town Hall on Mental Health and Politics.” The program includes presentations by six panelists who have studied the effects of political discord on mental health… Small group and large group conversations will follow… Guests are asked to register online.
        • Monday, February 3: 7 to 8 p.m. Ottawa News Network Listening Tour, Holland Museum
        • 🆕  Friday. February 7: Sales at Grand Finale Café and Bistro to benefit The People Center
        • 🆕  Saturday, March 8: 6 to 11 p.m. International Women’s Day Concert featuring Rabbitology (benefit for Every Women’s Place), Temple Lounge
        • April 8–11, Civil Rights Road Tour, sponsored by the Momentum Center

      Connections ✋

      Make new friends, meet interesting people, tell them about C3! Check out all kinds of activities in the area at the Grand Haven Area Events CalendarCalendar of Events for All Ages | Loutit District Library, and Spring Lake District Library Calendar


      Sunday, January 26

      9 a.m. Pre-Talk

      10 a.m. C3 Kids with Miss Mary and volunteer Ryan Cotton

      10 a.m. Gathering, In Person + Livestream on Facebook

        • Lead Teacher: Brad Ruggles
        • Music: Jen Sygit
        • Meditation: Bob Kleinheksel

      11 a.m. Talk Back

      Monday, January 27

      6:30 p.m. Women’s Journey (The Bookman, 715 Washington Ave., GH)

      Tuesday, January 28

      7 p.m. C3 Men’s Group (Choir Room, St. John’s Episcopal Church, GH)

      Sunday, February 2

      9 a.m. Pre-Talk

      10 a.m. C3 Kids with Miss Mary and volunteer Patti Baldus

      10 a.m. Gathering, In Person + Livestream on Facebook

        • Lead Teacher: Brad Ruggles and Executive Director Shannon McMaster
        • Music: Whorled
        • Meditation: Charlotte Rozich

      11 a.m. Talk Back

      Brad Ruggles (he/him) joined C3 as Lead Teacher in May 2024. He is a former pastor that deconstructed and later left the faith he was raised in after 18 years in ministry. He and his wife Lisa enjoy adventuring and traveling with their two adult daughters. Brad’s interests are diverse and include backpacking, meditation, breathwork, yoga, sport kiting, and photography.

      Shannon McMaster and his family have been part of the C3 Community for a decade. Before stepping into his current role as Executive Director, Shannon served in various capacities within the community. Recently, he’s channeled his long-standing passion for tabletop role-playing games into game design. An eclectic reader, Shannon enjoys everything from the wit of Damon Runyon to the science fiction of Stanislaw Lem and the contemplative prose of Annie Dillard.

      Whorled, described by Local Spins as “a road trip for the ears,” transports their audiences with a fresh blend of re-imagined Celtc, bluegrass, French Café, and jazz influences. The trio is guitarist and digeridooist Thom Jayne, fiddler Keala Venema, and accordionist Mariko Venema. They met by chance at a traditional Irish session, the magic was immediate, and they were soon creating their own signature fusion style. In 2023, they won two Jammie Awards for their debt album ”Reimagined” and had three tunes on WYCE’s top 100 spins.

      Update copyright © 2025 C3 Spiritual Community. All rights reserved.