This week at C3

Our series Your Wild and Precious Life: Celebrating the Wisdom of the Feminine continues with Core Teacher Beth Buelow and her take on What We Get Wrong about Feminine Energy.

We’ve long received messages about what it means to be feminine, and those messages are so baked into our culture, it’s hard to know how to challenge them. That said, not all of them need to be challenged! We’ll explore how we might flip the spiritual script on feminine energy and embrace a more holistic story of what it means to be human.

Molly, award-winning vocalist, singer-songwriter, and artist brings a dynamic and unique blend of raw soulful expression to her songs and performances. She is joined by her husband and multi-instrumentalist Scott Schultz, concocting a mix of joyful and contemplative music drawn as much from the real world as their varied record collection.

We can look forward to Wayne Johnson’s meditation.

📍 Location: Central Park Place, Mackinaw Ballroom, 421 Columbus Ave, Grand Haven)

⏰  Pre-Talk: 9 a.m. | Main Gathering: 10 a.m. | C3 Kids: 10 a.m.–Noon

💬  Talk Back: After the Gathering until Noon

📺  Livestream on our Facebook page 

🆕  Brad Ruggle’s email: Our Mothers Preached with Dr Sarah Kornfield

🆕  Last Week’s Teaching and Meditation

C3 News

🆕  C3 Kids Helpers Sought

More adult volunteeers are needed for the C3 Kids program. A couple more people will get us to a three-month rotation. More people means even more time between turns! And you don’t have to be a parent. We are happy to have community members help out. Miss Mary does the teaching and helpers play games, color, and do crafts. Think of it as your play time. 🙂

🆕  Announcements at the Gathering 📣

If there is something you would like to have announced at the end of the Gathering, please talk with the Gathering Host before the Gathering begins and let them know. They may make the announcement themself or ask you to come forward to do so.

    News from the Board of Trustees

    The Board of Trustees meets the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the C3 Office location. These meetings are open to C3 members. At February’s meeting, there was robust discussion about C3 financial needs and the necessity for ongoing fundraising. The next meeting is on Wednesday, March 26.

    Have You Read the Strategic Plan?

    You can read the C3 strategic plan here.


    🆕  Open Invitation to C3 Outreach Meeting

    Wonderful C3 people, you are invited to join us to learn more about exciting ways to put C3 Values into action in the Tri-Cities area. Thank you to those who have already expressed an interest in Outreach. We want to hear your questions, seek new ideas, expand the Outreach team, and invite first-time event volunteers to participate. To get things rolling and organized, please come to the C3 office at the Third Coast building, 1447 Washington Avenue, Grand Haven (just east of Norm’s Ice Cream) on Tuesday, March 25, 6:30 p.m. See Rod Van Abbema and Chrys Moelter-Gray at the Outreach table today after the Gathering for more information.

    🆕  Adopt-A-Highway

    Join us for our spring Adopt-A-Highway cleanup on Saturday, April 12, from 10 a.m. to noon—a great way to celebrate Earth Day week by keeping West Michigan roadways clean! If needed, the rain date is Sunday, April 13, after Talk Back. Sign up anytime via email  (include your name and phone number) or at the Outreach table. [More information and safety video here.]

    🆕  Humanity for Prisoners Newsletter

    Click here to read the March edition of HFP Communicator

    🆕  Momentum Center Newsletter

    Click here to read the March edition of Gaining Momentum.

    The Diatribe

    Click here to read this month’s news from The Diatribe.

    Charter for Compassion

    Week 3@C3 in March

    This is the last week to donate to the Week 3@C3 cause for March, World Central Kitchen (WCK), in support of the work they’ve done in providing food assistance to disaster areas worldwide, as well as in our own country, in particular, following Hurricane Helene in Florida and the spin-off damage in North Carolina, and in California during the Palisades and Eaton wildfires. Cash designated for WCK and checks with WCK in the notation line can be dropped into one of the donation boxes this Sunday, and credit card donations noted for WCK can be made online or with Chase at the Gathering by March 16.

    Care and Concern

    Caring for our C3 community is a shared responsibility. Community Care encourages members to support one another with notes, calls, visits, meals, and transportation.To share life events, illnesses, or hardships—or to request help—contact Cheryl Van Abbema by email or phone.

      • Former C3 member Judy Henzler passed away on March 1. She was 84. She had recently moved into a memory care facility, where she had two falls and was hospitalized. She never recovered and was not able to walk or live alone. Her ashes will be brought back to Grand Haven Cemetery and placed in a niche with her mother. Condolences may be sent to her family Blake & Vonne Nye.
      • Cindy Krause’s mother, Pat Krause, age 91, died on February 18 in Grand Rapids. There will be a service on March 28 at Mayflower Church in GR.
      • Carolyn Taylor had a preventative double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction on March 13, in Ann Arbor. She expects to be home by March 17, when a Meal Train will be in effect to help with meals for the family.


      • Sunday Night Supper meets at Dr. Rolf’s Barbecue (971 W. Savidge St.) in Spring Lake, 5:30 p.m. this Sunday. Please sign up at the Welcome Table if you intend to come. Jean Regester will be making the reservation. There will be discussion about future venues.
      • C3 Men’s Group meets on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Choir Room at St. John’s Episcopal Church. Call Phil Koster with questions.
      • C3 Book Club and Friends meets March 18, 6 p.m. at The Bookman to discuss The Women by Kristen Hannah. Bonnie Newman will lead the discussion of this historical fiction, which deals with the sacrifices of American military nurses serving during the Vietnam Conflict. To read ahead, At Home by Bill Bryson.
      • Mindful Living meets for the first time next Wednesday, March 19, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Loutit District Library, Program Room A. Come, explore, and share the contemplative practice of Mindful Living every third Wednesday of the month. Chairs will be provided, but feel free to bring a cushion. Have questions? See or email Kerry FitzGerald.
      • Women’s Journey celebrates women (as we do every month) when we meet on Monday, March 24, 6:30 p.m. at The Bookman. Kerry FitzGerald leads the program, and we will discuss our upcoming schedule.

    Values in Action

    Community Events for Your Consideration 

    Click on the links for more information.

    Connections ✋

    Make new friends, meet interesting people, tell them about C3! Check out all kinds of activities in the area at the Grand Haven Area Events CalendarCalendar of Events for All Ages | Loutit District Library, and Spring Lake District Library Calendar.


    Sunday, March 16

    9 a.m. Pre-Talk

    10 a.m. C3 Kids with Miss Mary and volunteer Renee Borton

    10 a.m. Gathering, In Person + Livestream on Facebook

      • Core Teacher: Beth Buelow
      • Music: Molly
      • Meditation: Wayne Johnson

    11 a.m. Talk Back


    Tuesday, March 18

    6 p.m. C3 Book Club and Friends (The Bookman, 715 Washington Ave., GH)

    7 p.m. C3 Men’s Group (Choir Room, St. John’s Episcopal Church, GH)


    Wednesday, March 19

    6:30 p.m. Mindful Living Practice (Loutit District Library, Program Room A, GH) 


    Sunday, March 23

    9 a.m. Pre-Talk

    10 a.m. C3 Kids with Miss Mary and volunteer Charity McMaster

    10 a.m. Gathering, In Person + Livestream on Facebook

      • Guest Teacher: Tabitha Blanski
      • Music: Jen Sygit
      • Meditation: Andy Cawthon

    11 a.m. Talk Back

    Tabitha Blanski is a lover of stories and wears many stories of her own – filmmaker, photographer, mother, member of the C3 community. Her first documentary film, The Birth of a Mother, follows three new mothers as they are initiated into parenthood and discover that, in addition to keeping a new human alive, part of them will have to die. The film is currently in post-production.

    Jen Sygit (she/her) is a Lansing-based singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist with four solo albums. She is also a veteran back-up singer/session vocalist, having appeared on over 50 albums. Jen a member of the all-female string band Stella!, and provides the deep bluesy low end to Stella!’s three-part harmonies.

    Update copyright © 2025 C3 Spiritual Community. All rights reserved.