Sunday, July 30, 2023
We Have Questions: Why Walk This Way?
Mark Smith and Kathy joined C3 nine years ago, and since then, Mark has found plenty to keep him busy supporting C3 as leader of the search team that hired Kent, BoT member for six years and Treasurer for four. He and Kathy have been fortunate to travel to many countries including Argentina, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and New Zeeland. His adventure travels have included climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, joining his daughter in the Ecuadorian Amazon, and most recently completing the Portuguese Camino.
Beth Bombara‘s It All Goes Up is set for release in August. It’s all there – the songwriting first and foremost with a voice that connects on a raw, emotional level alongside production led by Bombara’s undeniable musicality, retaining the intimacy of being wholly conceived by the artist herself. This Missouri-based singer/songwriter with a half-dozen albums has nodded to past traditions while always pushing ahead into new territory.
Music: Beth Bombara
Gathering Host: Chrys Moelter-Gray
Music: Beth Bombara
Meditation: Mark Smith
Moment of Silence
Reading/Teaching: Mark Smith with Beth Buelow
Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. – Martin Luther King, Jr.
PILGRIM is a word that accurately describes the average human being; someone on their way somewhere else, but someone never quite knowing whether the destination or the path stands first in importance; someone who underneath it all doesn’t quite understand from whence or from where their next bite of bread will come, someone dependent on help from absolute strangers and from those who travel with them. Most of all, a pilgrim is someone abroad in a world of impending revelation where something is about to happen, including, most fearfully, and as part of their eventual arrival, their own disappearance.
– David Whyte, Consolations: The Solace, Nourishment and Underlying Meaning of Everyday Words
I want to write about faith,
about the way the moon rises
over cold snow, night after night,
faithful even as it fades from fullness,
slowly becoming that last curving and impossible
sliver of light before the final darkness.
But I have no faith myself,
I refuse it the smallest entry.
Let this then, my small poem,
like a new moon, slender and barely open,
be the first prayer that opens me to faith.
– David Whyte, Faith, from River Flow: New and Selected Poems
Music: Beth Bombara
Gathering Host: Chrys Moelter-Gray
Music: Beth Bombara