Welcome, autumn!

This is the last week of our series Meaning Matters: 12 Words/12 Months, and we’re pleased and excited to welcome Fable the Poet (Marcel Price) once again as our Guest Teacher. Please join us Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. at the Grand Haven Community Center for our in-person Gathering. Please note that we encourage everyone to wear a mask and maintain physical distance. Tune in to the livestream on C3’s Facebook page if you can’t make it in person. The video of the Gathering will be available to view on C3’s YouTube channel later in the day or week.

Josh Rose also makes a return appearance as Guest Musician this week. He joined us a few times virtually during the pandemic, and it will be a treat to hear and see him in person again.

Talk Back follows the Gathering. This is an opportunity to further reflect on the teaching for the day, ask follow-up questions, share insights and experiences, or just sit with friends and soak in the shared wisdom.

Kids Program

There will be childcare available when we gather, with masked and vaccinated adult caregivers only, and CDC-recommended safety measures in effect. Click here to view the document “Safety for All in the C3 Kids Program.” Note that the C3 Kids will meet upstairs in the Woodbine Room this week.

Gathering Resources

See you at 10:00 a.m. Sunday at the Grand Haven Community Center (421 Columbus Ave.) — or tune in on Facebook Live. Or, afterwards, view the Gathering video (meditation, teaching, and music) on our YouTube channel or listen to the weekly teaching on our podcast channel. References and links from last week’s teaching here. Last week’s Newsletter here.

C3 Teacher Kent Dobson
There is a lot more to discover and learn from Kent Dobson on his website, and by listening to his podcast “Hints and Guesses.”


Please Note this Address Change
The Post Office will stop forwarding mail from our old address beginning in October. Members and friends who regularly send checks to C3 through the mail will need to make sure to use the correct address:
C3 West Michigan
P.O. BOX 371
Grand Haven, MI 49417

Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup on October 2
The final Adopt-A-Highway cleanup for 2021 will be held on Saturday, October 2, with Sunday, October 3 as a rain date. As always, we can use as much help as we can get. The more volunteers we have, the quicker and easier the cleanup. If you are able to join us, please either sign up at the Gathering or contact Mary Ackerson at mfjackerson [at] gmail [dot] com. Workers do need to watch a 6-minute safety video on the Adopt-A-Highway website.

Changes Coming in October
The Board of Trustees and Sunday Gathering Team are working to add elements to our Sunday Gatherings starting next week on October 3.

  • The Pre-Talk meeting at 9:00 a.m. resumes, which is an opportunity for the teacher of the day to meet with early risers to “prime the pump” with questions about the teaching for day.
  • The In-Person Gathering at follows at 10:00 (also on Facebook live)
  • Talk Back at 11:00 (in person only)
  • Born for These Times: Opportunities and Challenges replaces Meaning Matters as teaching series
  • Coffee will be available, but please bring your own mug.


Join the excitement at the Grand Haven Hispanic Heritage Fiesta
Come and enjoy Hispanic-themed food, music, the Mercado, and many other exciting events. The fun starts at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow (Saturday, September 25). And you can still help out as a volunteer. The Mercado needs help from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m., or you can help with other Fiesta activities. Just sign up at the Sign Up Genius. If you have a question, contact Rod Van Abbema.

A Wonderful Day in the C3 Booth at the Mercado
Those of you who have baked cookies, please bring them to the booth at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. If you are working a shift at the booth, you can bring your cookies when you come to work. If you signed up for a certain time and need a reminder, please email me at patbaldus5 [at] gmail [dot] com. To all of you who signed up, ¡gracias! See you on Saturday!

Vigil for Peace and Justice
Yes, we will stand for peace and justice during the Fiesta! The plight of refugees all over the world, including at our southern border, ongoing conflicts, and injustices suffered by so many demonstrate that the need to work for peace and justice is urgent and ongoing. The weekly Vigil for Peace and Justice takes place on Saturday from noon–1:00 p.m. along Washington Avenue at Central Park in Grand Haven. All are welcome.



C3 and Friends Book Discussion Group
We meet again at 6:30 p.m. on October 5, at Kathy Tosa’s home in downtown Grand Haven. The address is 221 Layfayette Avenue, and there is ample parking on her street. We can socially distance in her large living room. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig is scheduled to be made into a movie this year, so our reading and discussion of it is very timely! In a review, NPR’s Jason Seehan writes about this book in which a young woman who is on the verge of making a terrible choice, “. . . ends it. Overdose. Antidepressants. The world goes black. And then Nora wakes up. Not in heaven (dull) or hell (overdone) or purgatory (insert Lost joke), but in a library. The Midnight Library, which is the place people go when they find themselves hanging precariously between life and death and not entirely sure about which way to go.” Early reports from group members who have started reading have been positive. Read it, join us for the discussion and share your reactions!
November 2: Straight Man by Richard Russo.

New meeting place for C3 Men’s Group
The C3 Men’s Group will meet at the homes of participants for the foreseeable future. Our meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 28, will be at Pete Bennett’s home, 13987 Lincoln Street, Grand Haven. For additional information contact Phil Koster at (616) 402-1751.

Values in Action

A Long Talk
The Momentum Center for Social Engagement has arranged for A Long Talk about the Uncomfortable Truth, a three-part anti-racism activation experience. Click on the highlighted title for detailed information and the registration form for this event, happening from September 27-29.

Meals on Wheels Volunteers Needed
Visit the Volunteer page on the AgeWell Services site to see the wide array of volunteer opportunities. Meals on Wheels drivers are needed in Grand Haven/Spring Lake at this time.

Dinner and Movie Night
It’s Dinner & Movie Night on Friday, October 8, at the Momentum Center, featuring News of the World starring Tom Hanks (rated PG-13 for language and disturbing images). Dinner starts at 5:00 p.m. and the movie starts at 6:00 p.m. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided, other dishes are welcome. The Momentum Center follows CDC and Ottawa County Health Department recommendations for COVID-19.

National Hispanic Heritage Month
Greater Ottawa County United Way shares good information about this month-long observance. Click here to read more, including information about local events!

C3 Member Offers to Help with Medicare Plan Review
It’s that time of year again when Medicare Beneficiaries have the opportunity to review their plans during the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) to see if they want to make any changes or remain with their current plan. C3 member Phil Leech is offering to help C3 members with this review and decision-making process at no cost or obligation. Contact Phil at 616-842-6000.