C3 Teacher Kent Dobson begins a new series this Sunday, Born for These Times: Opportunities and Challenges. We gather in person at 10:00 a.m. at the Grand Haven Community Center. Please note that we encourage everyone to wear a mask and maintain physical distance. Tune in to the livestream on C3’s Facebook page if you can’t make it in person. The video of the Gathering will be available to view on C3’s YouTube channel later in the day or week. Our long-time favorites Ruth and Max Bloomquist will bring their instruments and voices to join us again this week as our Guest Musicians. It’s always a treat to welcome them and bask in the warmth of their music. Talk Back will happen in person, right after the Gathering. Join in to share your reactions and questions about the teaching. There will be no Talk Back via Zoom. |
There will be childcare available when we gather, with masked and vaccinated adult caregivers only, and CDC-recommended safety measures in effect. Click here to view the document “Safety for All in the C3 Kids Program.” Note that the C3 Kids will meet upstairs in the Woodbine Room this week.
See you at 10:00 a.m. Sunday at the Grand Haven Community Center (421 Columbus Ave.) — or tune in on Facebook Live. Or, afterwards, view the Gathering video(meditation, teaching, and music) on our YouTube channel or listen to the weekly teaching on our podcast channel. Printable version of C3 values here. Last week’s Newsletter here. |
Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup This Saturday!
The final Adopt-A-Highway cleanup for 2021 will be held on Saturday, October 2, with Sunday, October 3 as a rain date. Meet in the Community Center parking lot at 10:00 a.m. and we will carpool from there. You’ll want to wear gloves, sunscreen and hardy footwear. It also helps to have something to pick up trash without having to bend over all the time, which can strain your back. Some people also like to bring a small light trash can or box instead of hauling a large trash bag. If you can join us, go to the MDOT website and watch the safety video called Safety Guidelines for the Adopt A Highway Program. View a map of pick up zones here. Questions? Contact Mary Ackerson at mfjackerson [at] gmail [dot] com.
Changes Coming for Sunday’s Gathering
The Board of Trustees and Sunday Gathering Team are working to add elements to our Sunday Gatherings starting October 3.
- The Pre-Talk meeting at 9:00 a.m. resumes, which is an opportunity for the teacher of the day to meet with early risers to “prime the pump” with questions about the teaching for day.
- The In-Person Gathering at follows at 10:00 (also on Facebook Live)
- Talk Back at 11:00 (in person only)
- Coffee will be available, but please bring your own mug.
Fable the Poet (Marcel Price) Closes Out Meaning Matters
Our profound thanks to Fable for sharing a powerful teaching last Sunday on What is Sacred? The talk was a heartfelt ending to Kent Dobson’s year-long series. If you were not in attendance, the link to the video is here.
Please Note this Address Change
The Post Office will stop forwarding mail from our old address beginning in October. Members and friends who regularly send checks to C3 through the mail will need to make sure to use the correct address: C3 Spiritual Community, P.O. BOX 371, Grand Haven, MI 49417
Hugely Successful Outreach Support for the Hispanic Heritage Fiesta
Thank you to everyone who assisted in making the 2021 Grand Haven Hispanic Heritage Fiesta such a success. Thank you to cookie donors, attendants at the C3 Mercado booth and the many volunteers assisting with the Mercado. Thanks for showing the Tri-Cities community that C3 is truly inclusive!
Vigil for Peace and Justice
During the weekly vigil, we stand quietly with a sign, and make room for peace to take hold in our own lives, and possibly influence passersby to allow the same to happen in their own lives. We gather along Washington Avenue at Central Park in Grand Haven from noon–1:00 p.m. every Saturday. Your support and presence are valued. All are welcome to join, and invite family and friends! We have lots of signs to choose from, or express yourself and create your own sign!
New meeting place for C3 Men’s Group
The C3 Men’s Group will meet at the homes of participants for the foreseeable future. Our meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 5 will be held at Dave Herdegen’s home, 15706 Grand Point Dr. (off Mercury Dr.), Grand Haven. For additional informationcontact Phil Koster at 616-402-1751.
- C3 Teacher: Kent Dobson
- Meditation: David Dean
- Music: Ruth and Max Bloomquist
- C3 Teacher: Rob Davidson
- Music: TBD