We welcome once again core teacher Beth Buelow, who adds to the Unfolding series with the teaching Knowing When to Fold ‘Em. Beth will be joined by first-time C3 musicians Sweet Lady Bees, and Brad Ruggles will offer the meditation.
This Sunday’s Gathering will take place at Central Park Place (Mackinaw Ballroom, 421 Columbus Avenue, Grand Haven, MI 49417). The schedule begins with Pre-Talk at 9 a.m. The C3 Kids session with Miss Mary runs from 10 a.m. to noon. The main Gathering, which will be available both in person and via livestream on Facebook, begins at 10 a.m., and is followed by Talk Back, which concludes at noon. Join us for any or all parts of the morning! Teaching archive here and Meditation archive here.
C3 Summer Celebration Community Potluck
Next Thursday, July 18, we will recognize Brad Ruggles as our Lead Teacher and Shannon McMaster as our Executive Director with a potluck supper at Mulligan’s Hollow at 5:30 p.m. Sign up for your food contribution at the Outreach table at the Gathering on Sunday–or just show up! Be sure to bring your own beverage (alcohol allowed), table setting, utensils, and cups. (We’re being kind to Mother Earth by not using disposables). The event will happen rain or shine, since there’s plenty of room inside and out, and it’s ADA accessible. Don’t miss the fun!
Do You Have C3 or Community News to Share?
Any items to be included either in the C3 Update or in C3 Matters should be submitted to Chrys Moelter-Gray and Becky by Wednesday morning for publication on Friday and Sunday. Annie will be on vacation for a few weeks.
Awakenings on Pause this Summer
Awakenings will not meet on Sunday mornings this summer. The fall schedule is yet to be determined.
Vigil for Peace and Justice
The Vigil for Peace and Justice happens on Saturday from noon to 1 p.m. on Washington Avenue at Central Park in Grand Haven. There are usually six to eight participants. Could we make it a dozen?
Care and Concern
Caring for the members of our C3 Community is a shared communal responsibility, rather than a role reserved for a pastor, priest, or leader. Our C3 Community Care Team encourages members to support each other at time of need with notes, cards, phone calls, visits, meals, and transportation. C3 members are urged to contact the Community Care Team to inform them of life events, illness, or hardships, which can be shared with the C3 Community. To report a need or request help, or to help visit members in hospital, rehab or recovering at home, contact Cheryl Van Abbema: email or Mike and Charlotte Rozich: email.
Connie Farell returned to Lake Woods on July 1 and is under the care of Hospice. She has moved to a new room, and may move again soon. Her current address is Lake Woods Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, 1684 Vulcan Street, Room 43, Muskegon, MI 49442.
Betty Porter underwent a heart catheterization procedure on Tuesday, after experiencing heart and blood pressure issues recently. She has been referred to Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit for cardio-vascular surgery. She is waiting to be scheduled.
Cindy Van Ittersum’s sister Patricia Aycox died on Monday, July 8. She lived in Schenectady, NY, where she was a teacher, singer extraordinaire, and a very kind lady. Cards can be addressed to Cindy at 18286 W. Spring Lake Road, Spring Lake, MI 49456.
Sunday Dinner Group at the Park
For the summer, the Sunday Dinner Group will meet at William Ferry Park in Ferrysburg at 5:30 p.m. Bring your own picnic items, or stop and pick up some take-out food on the way! No need to sign up—just come!
C3 Men’s Group
The C3 Men’s Group provides a valuable time for men to meet and talk with each other. Feel free to join them on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Room B, in Grand Haven. Questions? Call Phil Koster.
C3 Book Club and Friends
Book Club continues to meet at The Bookman at 6:30 p.m. through the summer.
July 23: The Woman They Could Not Silence by Kate Moore
August 27: The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune
September 24: Bicycling with Butterflies by Sara Dykman
Women’s Journey
Women’s Journey has adjourned for the summer. Our next meeting will be on September 23 at 6:30 p.m. at The Bookman.
Your ongoing support of C3 is greatly appreciated. Online donations can be made here. Automatic donations can be set up by contacting Carol Takas, 616-613-3222, at Selby Accounting. Checks should be sent to C3 Spiritual Community, P. O. Box 371, Grand Haven, MI 49417. C3 is a 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organization. Our tax ID is 38-1960212.
Charter for Compassion
Week 3@C3
Thank you to all who contributed to the Green Valley Samaritans in June. We collected $1,002! Please note we take a break from Week 3@C3 in July. The August project will be announced at the end of July.
Values in Action
Community Events for Your Consideration
Click on the links for more information.
- July 12, 5 p.m.: Free Dinner and Movie Night (The Inventor) at the Momentum Center
- Every Monday through August 26, 7 to 9 p.m.: Summer Author Series
- July 18, 5 to 9:30 p.m.: Kenzie’s Be Café’s Annual Java Jam
- August 1, 6 to 8:30 p.m.: Community Conversation–Common Values in Uncommon Times
- August 6: Primary Election Day
- August 7, 7 p.m. Little Sable Night at the Light
Read what’s new with The Diatribe here!
Stay Informed about Ottawa County Commission News
If you care about what is happening at the Ottawa County Commission but don’t have time to read all the news, Organize Ottawa sends a great summary of what happens at meetings and more. Just click here to sign up. You can also click on Ottawa Notes to see past newsletters.
Saturday, July 13
12 p.m. Vigil for Peace and Justice (Central Park, GH)
Sunday, July 14
9 a.m. Pre-Talk
10 a.m. C3 Kids with Miss Mary and volunteer Charity McMaster
10 a.m. Gathering, In Person + Livestream on Facebook
• Core Teacher: Beth Buelow
• Music: Sweet Lady Bees
• Meditation: Brad Ruggles
11 a.m. Talk Back
Tuesday, July 16
7 p.m. C3 Men’s Group (Room B, St. John’s Episcopal Church, GH)
Wednesday, July 17
6:30 p.m. Board of Trustees Meeting (C3 Office, 1411 Washington Ave., GH)
Saturday, July 20
12 p.m. Vigil for Peace and Justice (Central Park, GH)
Sunday, July 21
9 a.m. Pre-Talk
10 a.m. C3 Kids with Miss Mary and volunteer Patti Baldus
10 a.m. Gathering, In Person + Livestream on Facebook
• Lead Teacher: Brad Ruggles
• Music: Kyle Rasche
• Meditation: Bob Kleinheksel
11 a.m. Talk Back
Brad Ruggles (he/him), our lead teacher, is a former pastor that deconstructed and later left the faith he was raised in after 18 years in ministry. He and his wife Lisa enjoy adventuring and traveling with their two adult daughters. Brad ’s interests are diverse and include backpacking, meditation, breathwork, yoga, sport kiting, and photography.
Kyle Rasche (he/him, rhymes with Kashi) has carved his place as one of West Michigan’s most dependable songsmiths of the poetic, soul-bearing sort. 2021 saw his foray back into the solo-songwriter world, with a pile of new songs, and an updated list of accolades—including being named a finalist in Kerrville Folk Festival’s prestigious New Folk Songwriting Competition.

Additional Resources
C3 Membership Directory (login required)
C3 Website>Values (printable list here)
Teaching Podcast “The Stage at C3” Feeds: Apple Podcasts YouTube Music
We would really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to share your experience at C3 by reviewing us on Google. Thank you! Note: Google requires reviewers to have a Google account. If you don’t have one you can set one up with your current email address, follow instructions here.
frontdesk [at] c3westmichigan [dot] org
C3 Spiritual Community Office
1447 Washington Ave., Grand Haven, MI 49417
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 371, Grand Haven, MI 49417
616-842-1985 (number can receive text messages)
Becky Park, Office Manager
Weekday office hours by appointment.
Shannon McMaster, Executive Director
smcmaster [at] c3westmichigan [dot] org
Brad Ruggles, Lead Teacher
brad [at] c3westmichigan [dot] org
Automatic donations are handled by Carol Takas, 616-613-3222, at Selby Accounting.
Please direct any questions to Andy Cawthon.
C3 Board of Trustees
Chair: Teresa Colbry
Vice-Chair: Tod Wyn
Secretary: Beth Buelow
Treasurer: Andy Cawthon
Newsletter Submissions and Editor: Chrysteen Moelter-Gray News items
to be included in the C3 Update should be submitted by Wednesday morning.