This Sunday at C3
Guest Teacher Sarah Kornfield visits this week and adds Surrender to the list of What the World Needs Now. Her teaching title is Men Don’t Retreat: Masculinity and Sovereignty in White Evangelicalism. Dr. Kornfield is associate professor of communication and affiliated professor of women’s and gender studies. She teaches courses in rhetorical criticism, rhetorical theory, feminist theory, gender communication and television culture.
Musicians for the morning are Annagail (Jared and Jennifer Adams). Bob Kleinheksel adds the day’s meditation.
We meet at Central Park Place (Mackinaw Ballroom, 421 Columbus Avenue, Grand Haven, MI 49417). Pre-Talk begins at 9 a.m. The main Gathering kicks off at 10 a.m. C3 Kids meet from 10 a.m. to noon. Stick around after the Gathering to discuss the morning’s talk in Talk Back, which runs until noon. Gathering livestream here.
C3 News
Do You Have Any Old Photos of C3 (Christ Community Church)?
We’re trying to collect historical photos of C3/Christ Community Church, including past members, events, pastors, and the building, to be used for the Community Celebration on November 3. Photos in digital format are preferred, and can be sent to Brad. If you need us to scan your hard copies of old photos, we can do that at the office. Please call or text 616-842-1985 or email Shannon to set up a time to bring them in to the office for scanning.

From Coast Guard Parade; Trailer says C3 Singers Rock; Connie Farell and the kids
Last Chance to Sign Up for “Dine with Nine”!
Mark your calendars for October 19 and be part of the next Dine with Nine (or a group of seven or eight)! Everyone is welcome to join, but this Sunday is the deadline to sign up. This event, themed “Fall Harvest,” offers a cozy evening of great food, laughter, and conversation. Several hosts will be opening their homes to create a warm, inviting atmosphere for a memorable night with friends old and new.🗓️
Nominations for BOT
The Board of Trustees election will happen at the Annual Meeting on November 3. There are three openings on the board for 2025-26. Two current board members will be seeking re-election, leaving one open seat. Nominations are open through October 1. If you would like to nominate someone, or have any questions, please see Trustee Wayne Johnson or Executive Director Shannon McMaster.🗓️
Can You Take One Small Step? 👣
C3 is encouraging people to participate in One Small Step, an initiative by WGVU and StoryCorps by signing up to take part in a facilitated conversation with someone new, with different political beliefs from yours, and get to know each other as people.
Learn More // Apply to be Matched

Charter for Compassion
Week 3@C3 for October: Thanksgiving Baskets
We will help Muskegon Rescue Mission fill 900 baskets for the annual Thanksgiving Basket Giveaway, which offers area residents a full Thanksgiving meal to make at home. Choose from the list below and bring items to the Week 3@ C3 table on October 6, 13, and 20. New to the list this year are mittens, gloves, hats, and scarves.
- Food: Boxed stuffing, boxed potatoes, canned corn and/or green beans, boxed mac & cheese mix, boxed brownie or cake mix
- Winter wear: mittens, gloves, hats, scarves
- Gifts of cash are welcome. Cash and checks go into the donation boxes. See Chase for credit card donations. If you want acknowledgement for checks, indicate Thanksgiving Baskets on the notation line. Contributions can be sent to C3 Spiritual Community, PO Box 371, Grand Haven, MI 49417.

🆕 Adopt-A-Highway is tomorrow, Saturday, September 28
If you signed up, you should have received an email Thursday morning with your assigned stretch and instructions. We’ll see you tomorrow morning at 10 a.m. in the parking lot at Central Park Place. P.S. You can still help, even if you didn’t sign up; join us at the parking lot! More information here.

🆕 Hispanic Heritage Fiesta
Thanks to all who donated cookies and worked at our booth at the Fiesta last Saturday. We will donate $323 from the sale of cookies to the Lupita Reyes Scholarship Fund through the Grand Haven Community Foundation! We shared copies of our C3 Values in Spanish, and Ryan Cotton and other volunteers did a great job of talking with visitors about our C3 community.

Vigil for Peace and Justice ✌️
The Vigil for Peace and Justice continues to be a quiet C3 presence for peace in our community, each Saturday from noon to 1 p.m. along Washington Avenue at Central Park. You are always welcome to join us. 🗓️
🆕 Humanity for Prisoners September Newsletter
Click here to read the September issue of Humanity for Prisoners Communicator.
Care and Concern
Caring for the members of our C3 Community is a shared communal responsibility, rather than a role reserved for a pastor, priest, or leader. Our C3 Community Care Team encourages members to support each other at time of need with notes, cards, phone calls, visits, meals, and transportation. C3 members are urged to contact the Community Care Team to inform them of life events, illness, or hardships, which can be shared with the C3 Community. To report a need or request help, or to help visit members in hospital, rehab or recovering at home, contact Cheryl Van Abbema: email, or Mike and Charlotte Rozich: email.
- 🆕 Thom Clay died recently, as we learned from his sister Celia Said. She related how they enjoyed attending Christ Community Church and listening to Ian. There will be a service on November 2. Contact Shannon at the office for details.
- Nelleke Knarr’s mother Norma Jean Knarr died on September 14, and a funeral mass was held in Danville, IN, on September 19.
- 🆕 Janice Scharich’s mother Vera Sturgeon Van Velsen, died on September 4, at age 88. Cards of support may be sent to Janice.
- A memorial celebration of life will be held for Joan Sutton on October 19, time to be announced. Joan died August 26.
- 🆕 Sunday Dinner Group is Headed Inside! Sign up at the Membership table to join the group at 5:30 p.m. at The Kirby House. This ad hoc group needs someone to spearhead the scheduling as we return indoors. Let Chrys know if you can step into that role.
- C3 Men’s Group Join in conversation with men from C3 and the community each Tuesday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in Room B at St. John’s Episcopal Church. Questions? Call Phil Koster. ️🗓️
- 🆕 C3 Book Club and Friends October’s book is The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride. We meet at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, October 22, at The Bookman. 🗓️
- 🆕 Women’s Journey Our next meeting is Monday, October 28, 6:30 p.m. at The Bookman. We could use one or two volunteers for snacks. We will again have some questions as conversation starters. Join us! 🗓️
Your ongoing support of C3 is greatly appreciated. Online donations can be made here. Automatic donations can be set up by contacting Carol Takas, 616-613-3222, at Selby Accounting. Checks should be sent to C3 Spiritual Community, P. O. Box 371, Grand Haven, MI 49417. C3 is a 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organization. Our tax ID is 38-1960212.
🆕 Honor and Memorial Giving
A donation in memory of Mike Pinder was made by Kerry FitzGerald.
Values in Action
🆕 Volunteer Delivery Drivers Needed
AgeWell Services needs delivery drivers for its Grand Haven area routes, which leave from the base at Four Pointes, Monday through Friday. The morning time commitment is about two to three hours. To begin the application process, create an account at AgeWell Services. Contact Jessica 231-559-0476 with questions, or talk with Chrys Moelter-Gray about her experience as a delivery driver.

Community Events for Your Consideration
Click on the links for more information.
- October 3, 7p.m. For Our Daughters (film based on Jesus & John Wayne by Kristin Du Mez)*
- October 3, 12, 18, Town Hall Meetings on Ranked Choice Voting (click on Town Halls & Events to search for a meeting near you)
- October 5, 5 to 8 p.m., Art at the Yard
* More on the Film For Our Daughters
As listed above, the Kristin Du Mez film For Our Daughters will be shown on October 3, 7 p.m. at the Knickerbocker Theater in Holland, and Kristin and others associated with the film will be in attendance. However, you can watch the film before then at the link in the listing above, or directly on YouTube here.
From Shannon McMaster, Executive Director
As we approach the final stretch of the 2024 election cycle, please keep in mind that C3 is a 501(c)(3) organization, classified by the IRS as a church (a taxation designation, not doctrinal). Our bylaws state, “The activities of the Community shall not consist of propaganda or the influencing of legislation. The Community neither participates nor intervenes in political campaigns on behalf of candidates for public office.”
Anything that happens during the Sunday Gathering, from the first to the last song, is under the official C3 umbrella and may be seen as an official action. Please speak with the Gathering Host or me (Shannon) before making any announcements, and limit personal political appeals to brief issue-focused statements like, “X is an important issue. I have information at the table,” such as, “County board elections are important. I have information at the table.”
Your Voice Matters
Apply for a Position on an Ottawa County Board or Commission! Being an active participant in the life of our communities is a way we can contribute to the well-being of our fellow citizens. Ottawa County has posted openings on multiple boards and commissions, and most of them have an October 9 application deadline. Take a look at the many opportunities to serve, see where you might contribute, and submit an application!
Saturday, September 28
10 a.m. Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup (Central Park Parking Lot, GH)
12 p.m. Vigil for Peace and Justice (Central Park, GH)
Sunday, September 29
9 a.m. Pre-Talk
10 a.m. C3 Kids with Miss Mary and volunteer Char Kole
10 a.m. Gathering, In Person + Livestream on Facebook
- Guest Teacher: Dr. Sarah Kornfield
- Music: Annagail
- Meditation: Bob Kleinheksel
11 a.m. Talk Back
Tuesday, September 24
7 p.m. C3 Men’s Group (Room B, St. John’s Episcopal Church, GH)
Saturday, October 5
12 p.m. Vigil for Peace and Justice (Central Park, GH)
Sunday, October 6
9 a.m. Pre-Talk
10 a.m. C3 Kids with Miss Mary and volunteer Sally Alderink
10 a.m. Gathering, In Person + Livestream on Facebook
- Lead Teacher: Brad Ruggles
- Music: Jen Sygit
- Meditation: Abby Black
11 a.m. Talk Back

Brad Ruggles joined C3 as Lead Teacher in May of this year. He is a former pastor that deconstructed and later left the faith he was raised in after 18 years in ministry. He and his wife Lisa enjoy adventuring and traveling with their two adult daughters. Brad ’s interests are diverse and include backpacking, meditation, breathwork, yoga, sport kiting, and photography.
Jen Sygit is a Lansing-based award-winning songwriter who wields a rare and powerful talent, equally comfortable performing ethereal folk tunes, crooning sultry swing numbers, or soulfully belting gritty alt-county ballads. An accomplished multi-instrumentalist who isn’t afraid to test boundaries and cross genres, Jen’s eclectic musical style draws the listener in and holds them captivated. Her lyrics reveal an oft-overlooked beauty to life’s mundane struggles.
Additional Resources
- C3 Website
- Current and Past Teachings
- Current and Past Meditations
- Subscribe to the our YouTube channel
- 🆕 Last Week’s Update and Bulletin
- Weekly Teaching Podcast “The Stage at C3”: Apple Podcasts YouTube Music
- C3 Website > Values (printable list)
- C3 Website > Updates
- C3 Website > Calendar Events
- C3 Membership Directory (login required)
- C3 Website>Newsletter Request

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Take a few minutes to share your experience at C3 by leaving us a review on Google! This is one of the easiest and quickest ways to let others know we’re here.
Note: Google requires reviewers to have a Google account. If you don’t have one you can set one up with your current email address, follow instructions here.
frontdesk [at] c3westmichigan [dot] org
C3 Spiritual Community Office
1447 Washington Ave., Grand Haven, MI 49417
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 371, Grand Haven, MI 49417
616-842-1985 (number can receive text messages)
Becky Park, Office Manager
Weekday office hours by appointment.
Shannon McMaster, Executive Director
smcmaster [at] c3westmichigan [dot] org
Brad Ruggles, Lead Teacher
brad [at] c3westmichigan [dot] org
Automatic donations are handled by Carol Takas, 616-613-3222, at Selby Accounting. Please direct any questions to Andy Cawthon.
Board of Trustees
- Chair: Teresa Colbry
- Vice-Chair: Tod Wyn
- Secretary: Beth Buelow
- Treasurer: Andy Cawthon
- Tabitha Blanski
- Karen Cotton
- Kim Crozier
- Cheri Eshenaur
- Kathy Humphrey
- Wayne Johnson
- Rod Van Abbema
- Chair: Teresa Colbry
Newsletter Submissions and Editor: Chrysteen Moelter-Gray News items to be included in the C3 Update should be submitted by Wednesday morning.
Newsletter Designer: Annie Wassmann
Did someone forward this email to you? If you would like to receive your own copy send us a message here.
Update copyright © 2024 C3 Spiritual Community. All rights reserved.