This week at C3
Core Teacher Beth Buelow rings in 2025 with her teaching Let’s Get Stoned!
This will be more than a talk… it’ll be an event! You’re invited to bring a stone (or two) that has meaning for you; it could have been a gift, a special find at a special time or location, or represent an energy that’s important to you. We’re also going to have a little creative fun after the Gathering, so if you can, bring a stone you’re willing to part with that has at least one smooth side. We’ll also have stones available for you so everyone who wants to can join in the fun.
Hannah Laine joins us after quite an interlude (she was with us in May 2024), and we’re happy to hear from her once again. Wayne Johnson’s meditation opens the year’s offering of contemplative messages from our fellow C3 members. Many thanks to all of our C3 meditation contributors for sharing their wisdom and insight.
📍 Location: Central Park Place, Mackinaw Ballroom, 421 Columbus Ave, Grand Haven)
⏰ Pre-Talk: 9 a.m. | Main Gathering: 10 a.m. | C3 Kids: 10 a.m.–Noon
💬 Talk Back: After the Gathering until Noon
📺 Livestream on our Facebook page
C3 News
Shake off the Winter Blues—come Dine with Nine! 🍽️
Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 8, and be part of the next Dine with Nine! Everyone is welcome to join. Sign-ups will be available on the following Sundays: December 29, January 5, 12, and 19. This event promises a fun evening filled with great food, laughter, and conversation. Several hosts will be opening their homes to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for a memorable night with friends—both old and new. The event coordinators are Joyce Cawthon, Kathy Smith, and Mary Ackerson. Have questions? Contact Joyce. 🗓️

Mindful Living
Many of us are familiar with the concept of mindfulness and what it means to be mindful, but how do we make it an intentional practice? Mindfulness practice involves purposefully paying attention to the present moment and cultivating a nonjudgmental, compassionate awareness of our thoughts, our emotions, our senses, and the world around us.
We are in the early stages of developing a series of sessions entitled Mindful Living, meeting once a month on a weekday evening. If you would like to learn more about this contemplative practice, please leave your contact information on the signup sheet at the membership table. Knowing how many folks are interested at this stage will help inform our search for a regular meeting space. Stay tuned for more information!
Thinking Ahead! In Case of a Weather Emergency! 🌬️
This weekend’s weather looks decent, but here’s our process for inclement weather: The Executive Committee and Executive Director will decide by late Saturday afternoon if we need to cancel the in-person Sunday Gathering. If canceled, we’ll notify you via email, Facebook, Instagram, WAWL radio, and TV stations WZZM, WOOD, and Fox 17. —Shannon McMaster
🆕 Farewell to Nancy Owens
Long time C3 member Nancy Owens and her husband Ron are moving mid-January to the New Orleans area to be near her new grandson. Nancy was active in the Outreach committee here, and served in Loving Spoonfuls at St. John’s Episcopal church, coordinated Red Cross blood drives, volunteered for the Hispanic Festival, and coordinated financial assistance for Felipe Lopez and his family in getting established in Holland, just to mention a few of her contributions. Be sure to wish her well, if you see her, or send a note via email.

In addition to all her volunteer assistance mentioned above, Nancy Owens was also the 2019 recipient of the Phil Koster Service Award, the yearly C3 award given to an exemplary volunteer.
- Sunday Night Supper will be at Ted’s Restaurant in Spring Lake, 5:30p.m. this Sunday. Please sign up at the Welcome Table if you intend to come. Jean Regester will be making the arrangements.
- C3 Men’s Group will meet on Tuesday, January 7, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the Choir Room at St. John’s Episcopal Church. Call Phil Koster with questions.
- C3 Book Club and Friends The book for Tuesday, January 21 is The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. We meet at the Bookman at 6 p.m.
- Women’s Journey: January’s meeting will be Monday, January 27 at 6:30 p.m. at The Bookman.
Care and Concern
Caring for our C3 community is a shared responsibility. Community Care encourages members to support one another with notes, calls, visits, meals, and transportation.To share life events, illnesses, or hardships—or to request help—contact Cheryl Van Abbema by email or phone.
- Barbara Crouse, grandmother to Mary Crouse, coordinator for C3 Kids, died on December 21 at the age of 96. Cards can be sent to Mary at 613 Columbus Avenue, Grand Haven, MI 49417.
Charter for Compassion
December Week 3@C3: 3rd Annual Greeting Card Blizzard
Thank you for your participation in the Seasonal Greeting Card Blizzard. We distributed 265 cards to four area care centers. Note: There will be no Week 3@ C3 collection in January. We will be back in February. Have a Happy New Year.
Values in Action
Music Events with C3 Connections
- January 17: 6 p.m. Ruth & Max Bloomquist Momentum Center Benefit Concert. Purchase tickets here.

Community Events for Your Consideration
Click on the links for more information.
- Thursdays, 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Free Thursdays at the Art Museum.
Collecting for Books and Bling Sale 💍📚
Friends of the Muskegon Heights Library will host Books and Bling on Saturday, January 18. We need costume jewelry that you can part with, and good quality used books. Please bring these items to the Week 3 @ C3 table for the next two Sundays. Many thanks, Leslie Newman and Char Kole.
Connections ✋
Make new friends, meet interesting people, tell them about C3! Check out all kinds of activities in the area at the Grand Haven Area Events Calendar, Calendar of Events for All Ages | Loutit District Library, and Spring Lake District Library Calendar.
Sunday, January 5
9 a.m. Pre-Talk
10 a.m. C3 Kids with Miss Mary and volunteer Sally Alderink
10 a.m. Gathering, In Person + Livestream on Facebook
- Core Teacher: Beth Buelow
- Music: Hannah Laine
- Meditation: Wayne Johnson
11 a.m. Talk Back
Tuesday, January 7
7 p.m. C3 Men’s Group (Choir Room, St. John’s Episcopal Church, GH)
Sunday, January 12
9 a.m. Pre-Talk
10 a.m. C3 Kids with Miss Mary and volunteer Ryan Cotton
10 a.m. Gathering, In Person + Livestream on Facebook
- Lead Teacher: Brad Ruggles
- Music: Kyle Joe
- Meditation: Andy Cawthon
11 a.m. Talk Back

Brad Ruggles (he/him) joined C3 as Lead Teacher in May 2024. He is a former pastor that deconstructed and later left the faith he was raised in after 18 years in ministry. He and his wife Lisa enjoy adventuring and traveling with their two adult daughters. Brad ’s interests are diverse and include backpacking, meditation, breathwork, yoga, sport kiting, and photography.
Kyle Joe (he/him) has carved his place as one of West Michigan’s most dependable songsmiths of the poetic, soul-bearing sort. 2021 saw his foray back into the solo-songwriter world, with a pile of new songs, and an updated list of accolades—including being named a finalist in Kerrville Folk Festival’s prestigious New Folk Songwriting Competition. He recently released two singles, Michigan Man and Take it Easy.
Update copyright © 2025 C3 Spiritual Community. All rights reserved.