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Sunday Gathering

July 16, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Join us!

We gather in person every Sunday at Central Park Place. We would love for you to join us.
All events held in the Mackinaw Ballroom in Central Park Place (421 Columbus Ave., GH)

Sunday’s Schedule:

9am Pre-Talk: 
Meet the morning’s teacher in a small group setting for an open discussion of the morning’s theme
10am Gathering:
Welcome, readings, meditation from a community member, teaching, and music
11am Talk Back: 
A chance to share questions, comments and stories related to the morning gathering
C3 Kids: 
Each week we provide a safe and welcoming environment for kids starting at 10am. If you are looking for a Sunday morning experience for your kids that includes C3 Values, creative activities, toys, books, games and outdoor fun (when weather permits), we are here to make it happen! Miss Mary is happy to be spending time with your kids!

Sunday’s Program and Reading:

Sunday, July 16, 2023
We Have Questions: Can We Talk about Desire?
An inquiry into sensuality, spirituality, and some other stuff

Speaker: Michael DeWilde, a core Guest Teacher at C3, is the director of the Koeze Business Ethics Initiative in the Seidman College of Business, as well as a full professor in the Management Department at GVSU. He holds an MTS from Harvard University and did his undergraduate work at William James College (GVSU) in Michigan.

Musicians: Sonja de Wilde is a rising junior at Forest Hills Northern High School with an interest in marine biology and writing. She has written over 200 songs, a very select few of which she actually likes. Jess Willyard is a guitar singer-songwriter who has played music in the Ann Arbor/Detroit area since the early 90’s in Metal, Reggae, Folk, and Rock bands. He also studied with Tibetan Buddhist master Gelek Rinpoche for over 20 years. Charlotte DeWilde will enter ninth grade this year. She loves to sing, travel, write poetry, and play basketball, though not necessarily in that order.

Music: Sonja de Wilde Group

Gathering Host: Rod Van Abbema

Music: Sonja de Wilde Group

Meditation: Charity McMaster

Moment of Silence

Reading/Teaching: Michael DeWilde “Desire is the kind of thing that eats you and leaves you starving.”
― Nayyirah Waheed

“Eros is simply the name for the desire and pursuit of the whole.”
“According to Diotima, Love is not a god at all, but is rather a spirit that mediates between people and the objects of their desire. Love is neither wise nor beautiful, but is rather the desire for wisdom and beauty.”
― Plato, The Symposium

“Whoever loves becomes humble. Those who love have, so to speak, pawned a part of their narcissism.”
― Sigmund Freud

“It has made me better loving you… it has made me wiser, and easier, and brighter. I used to want a great many things before, and to be angry that I did not have them. Theoretically, I was satisfied. I flattered myself that I had limited my wants. But I was subject to irritation; I used to have morbid sterile hateful fits of hunger, of desire. Now I really am satisfied, because I can’t think of anything better. It’s just as when one has been trying to spell out a book in the twilight, and suddenly the lamp comes in. I had been putting out my eyes over the book of life, and finding nothing to reward me for my pains; but now that I can read it properly I see that it’s a delightful story.”
― Henry James, The Portrait of a Lady
Music: Sonja de Wilde Group
Gathering Host: Rod Van Abbema
Music: Sonja de Wilde Group

.pdf of Bulletin/Matters


Talk Back
Small Bites and Coffee Served after Gathering
Talk Back
Talk Back


July 16, 2023
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


C3 Front Desk


Central Park Place, Mackinaw Ballroom
421 Columbus Ave
Grand Haven, MI 49417 United States
+ Google Map
(616) 842-1985
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