Update for July 21, 2024

Update for July 21, 2024

C3 Lead Teacher Brad Ruggles extends the Unfolding series with this week’s teaching, Welcoming Mara. Music for the Gathering will be provided by Kyle Rasche, who has visited us several times. The meditation this Sunday will be shared by Bob Kleinheksel....
Update for July 14, 2024

Update for July 14, 2024

We welcome once again core teacher Beth Buelow, who adds to the Unfolding series with the teaching Knowing When to Fold ‘Em.  Beth will be joined by first-time C3 musicians Sweet Lady Bees, and Brad Ruggles will offer the meditation. Gathering This...
Update for July 7, 2024

Update for July 7, 2024

Lead teacher Brad Ruggles continues the new series he started last week, Unfolding, with the second teaching It Is What It Is. He will be joined by musicians Ruth and Max Bloomquist, and Karri Absenger will share a meditation with us. Gathering This Sunday’s...
Update for June 30, 2024

Update for June 30, 2024

After three weeks with excellent guest teachers (Kent Dobson and Joe Kuilema), we are pleased that C3 Lead Teacher Brad Ruggles steps back into the teacher role. His teaching will be Unfolding: An Invitation to Surrender to Life’s Flow. This gives us a good...
Update for June 9, 2024

Update for June 9, 2024

C3 inspires spiritual, intellectual, and creative exploration and action, led by the questions, “what are the biggest challenges we face on our shared journey, and how do we respond to those challenges?” We are delighted to welcome back our former lead teacher, Kent...